CKMB is a blood test done to check for the heart attack. Generally this test is done along with other test for the same purpose like Troponin-T. CKMB is an enzyme that is found in high concentrations in the heart muscle. The test is often used to diagnose a heart attack, which is a condition in which there is damage to the heart muscle due to reduced blood flow to the heart. When the heart muscle is damaged, CK-MB is released into the bloodstream. At times your doctor may also advise this test to check for second or subsequent heart attack.
CKMB is a blood test done to check for the heart attack. Generally this test is done along with other test for the same purpose like Troponin-T. CKMB is an enzyme that is found in high concentrations in the heart muscle. The test is often used to diagnose a heart attack, which is a condition in which there is damage to the heart muscle due to reduced blood flow to the heart. When the heart muscle is damaged, CK-MB is released into the bloodstream. At times your doctor may also advise this test to check for second or subsequent heart attack.
CKMB is the enzyme that is present in the heart muscle. When there is damage to heart muscle during a heart attack this enzyme is released in excess in the blood. CKMB test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood to check for heart attack or damage to heart muscle.
CKMB test is done in following cases:
The CKMB test is done using the blood sample with no need for fasting before the test. The blood sample can be taken by the phlebotomist at a Maurya Labs or at home.