Rubella is a viral infection caused by the rubella virus and can spread very easily through close contact and even air. A rubella blood test detects antibodies that are made by the immune system to help kill the rubella virus. These antibodies remain in the bloodstream for years. The presence of certain antibodies means a recent infection, a past infection, or that you have been vaccinated against the disease. Rubella virus IgG is also known as a 3-day measles test
It is advisable to take a rubella test in pregnancy. A positive IgG Rubella test result in pregnancy means that you have antibodies in the blood that can fight the infection, and consequently, you are immune to future infections..
Rubella Results
Rubella is a viral infection caused by the rubella virus and can spread very easily through close contact and even air. A rubella blood test detects antibodies that are made by the immune system to help kill the rubella virus. These antibodies remain in the bloodstream for years. The presence of certain antibodies means a recent infection, a past infection, or that you have been vaccinated against the disease. Rubella virus IgG is also known as a 3-day measles test
It is advisable to take a rubella test in pregnancy. A positive IgG Rubella test result in pregnancy means that you have antibodies in the blood that can fight the infection, and consequently, you are immune to future infections..
Rubella IgG test measures the Rubella Antibodies in the blood. Positive result in a Rubella test is a good news.
The doctor may prescribe this test if you show symptoms like
If the infection occurs in the first three months of pregnancy the fetus might get affected & can cause miscarriage, stillbirth or congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).
The Rubella test is a simple blood test with no need for fasting before the test. The blood sample can be taken by the phlebotomist at a pathology lab.