You can book appointment for getting a sample collection from home. You can get full refund of the amount paid at the time of booking if you cancel the test atleast one hour before the scheduled time of appointment. If you cancel the appointment between 1 hour before the scheduled time of sample collection and within 15 minutes after the collection of the sample a refund of amount paid would be done after deducting Rs. 100. Once the time period of 15 minutes from the time of sample collection has elapsed, no refund would be done.
In order to cancel the appointment, you can call on the number +91-9234344301 – 04 and inform the person about the cancellation.
Refund would be done by UPI payment on the mobile number provided at the time of booking of the appointment. The refund would be processed within 7 days from the day of cancellation.
You can replace the name of the patient against the booking done before the time of sample collection.
Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.